Emanuel Ax, piano
at Groton Hill Music Center's Concert Hall (Groton, MA)

Concert Hall at GH - Groton Hill Music Center

Celebrity Series audiences love Emanuel Ax! After more than 30 appearances on the Series, he always impresses with his impeccable skill at putting the music first. 

The two sonatas of Beethoven’s Opus 27, rarely heard together, throw the form’s rules aside: tempo, structure, and flow are at the composer’s whim. Ax pairs the two works with Schumann's exquisite Arabeske, and his virtuosic showpiece Fantasie in C Major, dedicated to Liszt and published to raise funds for a statue of Beethoven in Bonn. Corigliano's Fantasia on an Ostinato reflects on an unconventional passage from Beethoven's Seventh Symphony to create a modern-day showpiece.

Hear a master of his craft uncover unexpected connections and share moments of beauty when Emanuel Ax returns to Celebrity Series.  

Program Details


Program note to come

Program note to come

Program note to come

Program note to come

Program note to come

“How many artists have performed at his level for so long? How many have treated us so reliably to such taste and good sense as he? How many have had his ability… to make music sound so simply right?”

The New York Times

Featured Artist

Groton Hill Information

This performance is generously supported by
Sally S. Seaver, PhD.