Digital Concert: What Makes it Great? with Rob Kapilow, featuring A Far Cry 
Tchaikovsky’s Serenade for Strings 

Virtual Concert

Available for on demand viewing from Monday February 5, 2024 at 8:00pm until Sunday February 11, 2024 at 7:00pm.

If you’ve heard Tchaikovsky’s Serenade for Strings, you know it’s full of gorgeous moments and sweeping feeling, but have you ever wondered what, specifically, makes it great and keeps avid listeners coming back again and again?  

Rob Kapilow, with the assistance of A Far Cry, explores the work in the context of Tchaikovsky’s life and career. He unpacks and illustrates some of Tchaikovsky’s compositional choices and provides illuminating biographical and historical context about the composer, and how he negotiated the various political and artistic movements of his time.  

Boston’s A Far Cry chamber orchestra returns for their second performance alongside Kapilow. The self-conducted, democratically governed, and adventurous ensemble was praised by The Boston Musical Intelligencer for its “top-drawer playing.” 

““This was a totally engaging event. … [Rob Kapilow] was perfectly paired with A Far Cry, one of the most intelligent, musical, and fun ensembles here in Boston.” ”

What Makes it Great? Audience member, 2023

This performance is generously supported by
Amy & Joshua Boger.

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